28-11-2012 af Erwin Neutzsky-Wulff

When E. T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL came out in 1982, everybody agreed that it was a cute movie about a lonely boy and his imaginary friend. No one seemed to notice the supreme blasphemy of the poster paraphrasing the Sistine Chapel with the boy as Adam and E. T. as God.


And who can really blame them after almost a century of relegating the supernatural roots of existence to the darkness of the cinema? And yet, something was happening.


E. T. was going home, the screen going dark, but he would still be “right here”. At a time, when producers frantically tried to surpass themselves in monumental stupidity, a desensitized public wallowing in pictures of torture and degradation, other movies from an age of wonder became available through the Internet.


If HORROR AND SCIENCE FICTION IN THE CINEMA BEFORE 1980 may be useful to the reader as a guide to this strange and wonderful world, it has served its purpose. After all, the “extra-terrestrials” have had a greater impact on Man’s destiny than anything else he has been able to discover and devise.


It’s hard to deny the religious significance of the pyramids or that art is in some way basically religious – otherwise, he would have no use for anything but his Kodak moments. Only the art (and in the past century of barren realism only the motion picture) of the fantastic however seems willing to admit to this.


Outside of the cinema, it’s too often rationalized into the irrationalities of Freudianism, spiritualism, parapsychology, UFOs and New Age. It is consequently in dire need of an unbiased re-evaluation, and this is where HORROR and SCIENCE FICTION come in.



These movies are not out to educate us, herding us into the fold, as “socially significant” films are wont to do. They only want to thrill and scare us and in so doing touch on a fundamental human reality as no system of education ever will.


However far our celestial cousins may have wandered, exiled by the true horror of institutionalized religion, in the darkness of the cinema they are near, often uncomfortably so. Why else would the instilment of fear be conceived as a rewarding experience?


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I 2010 gik mit forlag gennem tredive år, Borgen, ned, og det var ikke nogen enkeltstående begivenhed. Det var det sidste træ i skoven, der faldt, som Information dengang skrev.


Det betød så, at JACK THE RIPPER udkom på Ole Sohns Forlag, som min skattede redaktør var flyttet til. Den solgte da også i et par oplag.


På det tidspunkt havde jeg imidlertid allerede udgivet BIBELEN på eget forlag. Jeg havde ikke engang ventet på de 150.000 fra Kulturministeriet, som ellers har været en fast indkomst.


Tiderne har forandret sig. Ud fra en vurdering af den økonomiske situation har man besluttet, at litteraturen er en af de ting, der må falde, hvis den ikke kan stå.


Og det har den aldrig kunnet. Den har udelukkende overlevet i kraft af de faste bogprisers beskyttelsestold og ved, at man har holdt forfatterne i live ved arbejdslegaternes kunstige åndedræt.


Naturligvis vil kioskforlag som Gyldendal fortsat blive holdt i et jerngreb af deres aktionærer, og dagbladene fortsætte med at skrive pænt om deres annoncører, men skilsmissen mellem litteraturen og bogbranchen er endelig. Hvad sker der så?


Der sker det, at de forfattere, der har et publikum, udgiver sig selv. Det er ikke så slemt, som det lyder – BIBELEN indbragte mig en kvart million, nok til, at jeg kunne købe mig ro til at skrive den næste, og så fremdeles.


Erwin Neutzsky-Wulff



April-tilbud - se forsiden!


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HORROR 2 (2021)


Af Christian Birchs efterladte papirer (2020)

ADFÆRD (2019)

LIV (2019)

MØDE (2018)


DRØM (2016)

HITLER (2015)


ROMAN (2014)

HORROR (2013) 

DANMARK (2012)

BIBELEN (2011)

9999 (2010)

HJERNEN (2006)


RUM (2001)



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